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On August 31, 2024, we're EOLing developer.newrelic.com. All relevant content has been migrated to docs.newrelic.com.

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Hosted by @LeonAdato  and New Relic's DevRel team

Leon Adato

Leon Adato


Leon Adato is a Developer Relations Advocate at New Relic, and has held multiple industry certifications over his 33 years in IT including Cisco, Microsoft, A+, and more. His experience spans financial, healthcare, food and beverage, and other industries.

Before coming to New Relic, he was a speaker and blogger in the monitoring and observability space for almost a decade. His expertise in IT began in 1989 and has led him through roles in classroom training, desktop support, server support, and software distribution.

Rachel Foster

Rachel Foster


Rachel is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer at New Relic, and a former software developer with more than 25 years experience working with global companies. Immediately prior to joining New Relic she taught Software Engineering at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She enjoys breaking down technological concepts to make them relatable to all.

Rachel began her career at New Relic as a Solutions Consultant, assisting customers through the adoption, optimization, and integration of New Relic’s product suite. Now she enjoys helping customers learn and apply new skills to improve self-sufficiency, proficiency, and success with the New Relic platform.

Anna Alfano

Anna Alfano


Anna Alfano is an Associate Product Marketing Manager at New Relic. She brings experience from market research, sales marketing, and fintech to her role on the Product Marketing team at New Relic. A consumer psychologist at heart, she is passionate about creating messaging that demonstrates customer empathy and product experiences that streamline decision making

Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim


Daniel Kim (He/Him) is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer at New Relic and the founder of Bit Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated make tech accessible to underserved communities. He wants to inspire generations of students in tech to be the best they can be through inclusive, accessible developer education. He is passionate about diversity & inclusion in tech, good food, and dad jokes.

Michelle Scharlock

Michelle Scharlock


Michelle Scharlock is a Senior Technical Content Marketing Manager at New Relic. She brings a lifelong love of writing and technology to the role and is a graduate of the Code Fellows bootcamp in Seattle. Previous to New Relic, she worked as a Developer Writer at Microsoft.

Andrea Sy

Andrea Sy


Andrea Sy is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at New Relic. She is a passionate product marketer who wants to deliver data-driven delight to her customers. She’s been in the technology space for almost a decade, and has held various roles ranging from product management to product marketing across multiple industries. When she’s in her creator mode, you can find her painting landscapes at home while her dogs watch.

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