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Monitor your Kubernetes cluster with New Relic and Pixie

You’re the developer of TinyHat.me, a website and API for putting virtual hats on virtual heads that runs in Kubernetes. But TinyHat has big problems. It’s time to instrument your cluster with Pixie and use it to find the source of your users’ frustrations.


  • Instrument your Kubernetes cluster with New Relic + Pixie
  • Use PxL scripts in the Live Debugger to gather insights into your cluster’s behaviors
  • Find the root cause of two bugs in your software



If you're a Windows user, see our materials repository for your system requirements.


1. Set up your TinyHat environment

Before you begin, set up a local minikube cluster that runs your TinyHat application.

5 min

2. Explore your cluster

Explore your cluster

5 min

3. Instrument your cluster

Instrument your cluster

15 min

4. Debug missing images in your service

Figure out why users can't render a particular hat in TinyHat.me

15 min

5. Debug latency in the TinyHat admin

Debug latency in the TinyHat admin

15 min
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